TitleYumos Survivor
BriefWe had already launched our first campaign in January 2021 on TV and digital, followed by our outdoor activation project. To follow up, we got into Survivor, Turkey’s most watched TV reality show. We first announced our teasers that Yumoş bears are flying to the Survivor Island. Then, we sponsored a prize game where teams competed to spend a night in Yumoş villa, with their brand new and freshly washed clothes. Then we announced our interactive game “Yumoş Island”. Instead of a standard TV advertorial/sub banner, audiences played our game with their TV remotes or mobile phones. For the first time, audiences could virtually join Survivor competitors in games and spend time with our brand. Participants shared their information with us and gave us permission to collect their data in return for a chance to watch the Survivor finale. The game created such a buzz that we made it permanent.
Campaign Yumos Survivor
Advertiser Unilever
Brand Yumos Detergent

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PostedNovember 2021
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Case Study
Wunderman Thompson - CEO E...r B...k Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Managing Partner F...a O...i Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Creative Director U..t T...i Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Creative Group Head B..e ..y Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Copywriter S...h T....en Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Art Director B...k C...an Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Head of Strategy C...n S...am Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Strategy Director P...n K....oz H...r Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Account Director M...s .u T....k, S....ay E...n Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Account Executive A..a B...r, E..i B...is Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Head of Production D...z A...t Subscribers Only
Wunderman Thompson - Producer B...�s T...n Subscribers Only
Unilever - Vice President Home Care TUI L...l E...n Y...az Subscribers Only
Unilever - Mark.Dir.Fabric Solutions&SensationsTUI D...u ..l Subscribers Only
Unilever - Brand Manager M...sa K....cık Subscribers Only
Unilever - Assistant Brand Manager M....la H...b, S...n K...cu Subscribers Only
Mindshare - Client Director T...e �...san Subscribers Only
Mindshare - Client Manager B...ay K..a Subscribers Only
Mindshare - Client Senior Director D...a K..a Subscribers Only
Mindshare - Client Junior Director �..em C...k Subscribers Only
AMVG - CEO B..k U..r Subscribers Only
AMVG - Creative Director S...n O...rk Subscribers Only

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