Contact Information

Zona Franca Metropolitana Edificio 5B-B Hangar
San Jose
Costa Rica
Phone: +506 2589 0840

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Full Service, Mobile, Social Media, E-Commerce, SEO, Web Design, Marketing/Creative Services, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Market Research/Consulting, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Media Buying/Planning, Design, Visual/Sound Identity, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, Strategy and Planning

Founded in: 1996


Employees: 1500

Awards: 27

Creative Work: 45

Clients: 16

Core Competencies: Full Service, Mobile, Social Media, E-Commerce, SEO, Web Design, Marketing/Creative Services, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Market Research/Consulting, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Media Buying/Planning, Design, Visual/Sound Identity, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, Strategy and Planning

Founded in: 1996


Employees: 1500

Awards: 27

Creative Work: 45

Clients: 16

Critical Mass

Zona Franca Metropolitana Edificio 5B-B Hangar
San Jose
Costa Rica
Phone: +506 2589 0840

Critical Mass and artist Shantell Martin are launching an artist-in-residence program

The Critical Mass: Artist-In-Residence Program, founded by artist Shantell Martin and Critical Mass Global CCO Val Carlson, is an artist-agency collaboration with the goal of sparking conversations and creating new norms in advertising and marketing. As centers of creativity, agencies should be a support system, resource, and co-collaborator for artists. But all too often, the creative potential for these relationships gets lost in unfair contracts or power imbalances. 


From classical sculptures to street art, some of the world’s most brilliant creative work has resulted from artists collaborating with businesses. When done with integrity, with fairness to the artist, and with a shared set of social values, it can result in creative work that shifts cultural norms and impacts millions. When done wrong, it can demean and devalue artists the world over. Artists’ impact on marketing will only continue to grow as new digital platforms become canvases with more reach. So how can businesses support and champion artists, rather than take advantage of their cultural capital?  


Shantell and Critical Mass CCO Val Carlson are trying to change that. The program is designed to surround artistic priorities with support and resources -- while building the infrastructure for a transparent, equitable collaboration model.   


CM: A.I.R.’s first area of focus seeks to address artist-brand exploitation by exploring equity in contract negotiations, intellectual property, and modeling new norms for creative collaboration. The program will also invest in monthly creative projects tied to Shantell's ability to facilitate new connections between brands, fine arts, design, philosophy and technology. Having worked with brands like adidas, The Whitney Museum, the NYC Ballet, Max Mara, Puma, Google Creative Lab and others, Shantell is no stranger to working alongside brand and agency partners to create art that explores themes like intersectionality, identity and play. 


After completion of the program, Shantell will work with Critical Mass to select the next artist-in-residence. More about the program and its mission here: